Why you need ISO 27001 now more than ever

Cyber-attacks and data breaches are becoming a regular occurrence in the digital age, as businesses increasingly begin to digitally store their information and data.

To put it into context: one small business in the UK is successfully hacked every 19 seconds, according to Hiscox, while a report by Carbon Black found that up to 88% of UK companies suffered security breaches in the year between May 2019-2020.

A competent, rigorous security framework, like ISO 27001 – part of a series of mutually supporting security standards that together provide a globally-recognised framework for the best information security management – can help companies better protect themselves from external forces.

What is ISO 27001 and do I need it?

ISO 27001 is a globally recognised international standard on how to manage information security, which is applicable to all businesses, irrespective of their size, type, or nature.

The standard sets out a risk-based framework that has been designed to help organisations manage their security practices consistently, easily, and cost-effectively. And its popularity is evident: the number of certifications grew by 450% in the decade leading up to 2019.

It focuses primarily on 3 key aspects of information:

  • Confidentiality – meaning that information is not available or disclosed to unauthorised peoples, entities, or processes.
  • Integrity – meaning information is complete and accurate, and protected from corruption. Only authorised persons can alter the information.
  • Availability – meaning information is accessible and usable as and when authorised users require it.

Benefits of ISO 27001 accreditation

  • Invests greater trust in your organisation, from both within and without. You know, as do your customers, that all forms of information are protected, whether paper-based, digital, or stored in the Cloud – and they can only be accessed by authorised parties.
  • ISO 27001 provides the specification for an Information Security Management System (ISMS), which helps you protect and manage all your organisations’ information through risk management.
  • Being ISO 27001 accredited boosts your company’s resilience to cyber-attacks.
  • Avoids unnecessary costs which are incurred by fixing cyber-attacks.
  • Helps avoid negative publicity from a cyber security breach. (Look, for instance, at Facebook, which was ranked last in digital trust among consumers following its infamous data breach).
  • Fosters an environment of care and responsibility to both customers and staff, showing a willingness and dedication to protect sensitive or confidential information.
  • Proves to stakeholders that you are committed to keeping their data safe.

Why now more than ever?

Thanks to better technology, businesses are prone to more sophisticated forms of cyber-attacks. Using AI and machine learning, cyber-attacks that can easily compromise secure networks have become automated. It has even been said that data is now more valuable than oil, because of the insight and knowledge that can be extracted from it.

This is why it’s vital that your organisation has everything in place to prevent such breaches. The damage done by security breaches and loss of sensitive or confidential data can be irreparable. An ISO 27001 certification proves to customers and auditors that you not only take data protection seriously, but that you protect it to the highest possible standard – a globally recognised one.

Synergos Consultancy can guide you through the accreditation process smoothly. Click here to get in touch.

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Picture of Adam Cooke
Adam Cooke
As the Operations and Compliance Manager, Adam oversees all aspects of the business, ensuring operational efficiency and regulatory compliance. Committed to high standards, he ensures everyone is heard and supported. With a strong background in the railway industry, Adam values rigorous standards and safety. Outside of work, he enjoys dog walking, gardening, and exploring new places and cuisines.
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