Nestlé Prosecuted After Man’s Arm Trapped in Rolo Machine

Food manufacturing giant Nestlé has been ordered to pay more than £800,000 after a worker’s arm was drawn into a roller mechanism on a conveyor machine.

On 30 November 2020, a maintenance technician was investigating a problem on the conveyor belt of a machine used to make chocolate sweets. When he went underneath the machine, he reached to steady himself and the sleeve of what he was wearing was caught in the roller above his head. This dragged his left arm into the roller and was trapped between the roller and the belt. He was unable to free his arm and he shouted for help. The 25-year-old sustained life-changing injuries.

Investigators from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found that the company had not properly assessed the risk created by the rollers under the conveyor belt and failed to guard the roller, which was a dangerous part due to it having a ‘nip point’.

The food and drinks company failed to provide a safe system of work in relation to the maintenance of the Rolo Racetrack machine and failed to provide a guard which would have prevented access to dangerous parts of it.

South Tyneside Magistrates’ Court was told that it was foreseeable that employees would require access to this area and there was a clear risk of injury to employees coming into contact with this roller.

‘This incident could easily have been avoided had Nestle properly reviewed the safety measures at its plant and its equipment to ensure that access to dangerous parts was prevented,’ said HSE inspector William Gilroy. ‘Nestlé was aware of this risk following a similar incident at its Halifax plant but failed to take appropriate action.’

Last month, Nestlé UK admitted breaching regulation 11(1) of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations and was fined £800,000, plus costs of £7776.50.

A spokesperson for Nestlé said following the incident two years ago, the company – which had sales of $94 billion globally in 2021 – had accepted the machine should have been guarded and that more than £700,000 had since been spent at the Newcastle factory to make the site and machines safer. He said specific assessments on the roller were not done and Nestlé ‘accepts that’.

Information relating to managing risk and risk assessments at work can be found here.

Another article on health and safety news is available here.

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Picture of Steve Kilburn
Steve Kilburn
I initially trained as an industrial chemist working in a variety of manufacturing environments eventually moving into quality management which grew to encompass environmental and occupational health and safety management systems. I hold a Masters Degree in Health and Safety law and Environmental Law and a Post Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Waste Management and I am a Graduate Level Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH). In my spare time I enjoy reading, my favourite author is Stephen King, and listening to music, generally from the late 70’s, 80’s and 90’s.
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