Benefits Of Operating Procedures And Quality Objectives

Quality can be the main source of competitive advantage. A high level of quality is not an added value or a luxury, it is a basic requirement. People want what they can trust. Boasting competent and rigorous operating procedures, as well as setting quality objectives, is a great way to instil company trust from both inside and out and ensure business growth.

According to Kishu Manghani, “quality does not only relate solely to the end products and services a company provides but also relates to the way the company employees do their job and the work processes they follow to produce products or services.” The work processes, he notes, should be as efficient as possible and continually improving.

The Importance Of Quality Objectives

Quality objectives, according to clause 6.2 of ISO 9001:2015, should be consistent with the quality policy, and relevant to product and service conformity, and the enhancement of customer satisfaction. These objectives are initially established when planning your quality management system (QMS) and redefined and updated in management review meetings.

What Should Quality Objectives Be?

Quality objectives should be measurable, monitored and communicated throughout the organisation and are updated as appropriate.

Top Management

While everyone in a company is responsible for the quality of its products and services, top management have a duty to provide the training and an appropriate motivating environment to foster teamwork both within and across organisational units. This can help employees to improve processes and be more confident in their work, which in turn fosters a happier and more willing workforce.

It’s important to ensure that quality objectives are properly communicated throughout your organization and that relevant parties are made aware of their roles and responsibilities. Once the quality objectives are established, you must then determine how and when they will be met, what resources are needed, who is responsible, and how the results will be evaluated.

Benefits Of Quality Systems

Quality systems can help companies to produce high-quality products and services. They can also:

  • enhance customer satisfaction
  • generate confidence in your business
  • increase revenue
  • motivate employees to participate in continual quality improvement initiatives

Staying Ahead Of Your Competitors

Above all, quality systems and objectives can distinguish you from your competitors. An organisation which invests greater care into the products and services it offers, and puts customer service at the heart of its core business strategy, is on course for success. By fostering an environment of continual improvement, you can expect longevity and confidence in your business to grow. Sounds straightforward enough, right?

For more guidance, do not hesitate to contact one of our experts here!

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Picture of Jenny Kilburn
Jenny Kilburn
Founder and Managing Director heads the team with many years’ experience in helping business’ to pivot in a competitive marketplace. Providing a friendly, supportive working environment is key and Jenny can often be found buying weekly treats for the team, to crave their sweet tooth. Outside of work, Jenny has a very active social life, with regular trips to the theatre, she is a keen netball player, crown green bowler, attends the gym and also partakes in organised walks with fellow friends in and around Yorkshire.
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